Common symptoms of Fibromyalgia include muscular pain, burning, tingling and numbness. Fibromyalgia essentially means pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Most of the suffers are women and up to 4% of the population is affected.
The pain of Fibromyalgia is similar to arthritis and occurs where the muscle attaches to the bone or ligament. The joints are not affected and they do not deform or deteriorates as in arthritis. The pain usually begins in one area typically the neck or shoulders and radiates out. Some people are in constant pain, while others are exhausted.

Feedback from Sufferers
Pain varies with weather, time of day, physical activity and stressful situations. Sufferers describe the various pains as stiffness, stabbing, burning, aching, sudden and radiating. Pain usually flares up after disturbed sleep. Fatigue is often another complaint of sufferers, some of who say is more debilitating than the pain. Fibromyalgia also tend to get tension or migraine headaches. Sometimes the feet and hands experience tingling and numbness. Other symptoms include dizziness, G.I problems, irritable bowel syndrome, gas and alternating constipation and diarrhea.Some common symptoms of this disease include:
- Chronic aches all over the body
- Burning , numbness and tingling
- Sensitivity when pressure is put on or around the neck, elbows, hips, thighs and knees
- Sleep problems
- Chronic weakness or exhaustion
- Depression symptoms
- Anxiety
- Facial Pain
- Loss Of Memory
- Irritable Bowel
- Tension Headaches or Migraines
- Increased sensitivity to foods and prescription drugs (allergic type reaction)
- Increased level of sensitivity to bright lighting and sounds
- Balding
Who Is Affected
It has been estimated between 3 – 6 million Americans suffer from Fibromyalgia, 80% being women. Women between 20 to 50 are most at risk. But children and older adults can also develop the disease. Having a rheumatic disease like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or Sjogren’s syndrome increases the risk of Fibromyalgia. The disease seems to run in families and it might have a genetic component.Causes
The causes of Fibromyalgia are unknown but inadequate sleep seems to be a trigger. Having an injury that affects the brain, nerves or spine seems to be another trigger. Others believe it might be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Excessive creation of pain-related chemicals in the nervous system also contributes to Fibromyalgia symptom. If you are already predisposed to Fibromyalgia any of these factors might trigger the symptoms. Treatment includes the following:- Eat Healthier Foods
- Dietary supplements aimed at Fibromyalgia
- Exercise: Light stretching like warm water stretching exercises and light aerobic exercise , if you can
- Physical Therapy under the direction of a Chiropractor or Naturopathic
- Therapeutic Massage
- Elimination of things that over stress the body (Think about maintaining a diary)
- Manage sleep habits
- Avoiding stress and anxiety