To be able to asses wheelchair mobility you should use a tool that is designed for mobility assessment.


wheelchair assesment document download









Wheelchair User Assessment

Wheelchair mobility assessment can be made with the use of a tool that is used to quantify the mobility of users with SCI or MS. Motor skills are studied and data is collected regarding wheelchair mobility. This type of tool to assess mobility on wheelchairs, was created for physiotherapists, so that they may quantify the mobility of paraplegics who used the wheelchair.

This type of test or assessment includes a six point scoring system that is scored based on how the user achieves certain tasks representing independence. The assessment test requires the user to go through six different tasks that are fundamental to the mobility of paraplegics on wheelchairs.

Six Important Tasks To Be Completed

The test is implemented so that the wheelchair user is given key tasks to complete, including mobility while lying and sitting, and in between as well. Completing a horizontal & vertical transfer is also required, giving the physiotherapist more information to base their results on.

Propelling on flat ground is measured as well, this would meant that user is required to push themselves until this part of the test is complete. The user must also propel up a hill or up a ramp and around kerbs in order for the physiotherapist to know more on how to assess your living condition.








IO: Green light




Note: TR= Test re-test; IC= Internal Consistency; Inter-O= Inter-observer; Intra-O= Intra-observer; SS= Sensitivity/Specificity; N/a= No information.

Red light= A single study involving SCI subjects which has less than adequate findings of reliability, validity, and/or responsiveness.

Yellow light= A single study involving subjects with SCI which has adequate to excellent findings of reliability, validity, and/or responsiveness.

Green light= At least 2 studies involving subjects with SCI which have adequate to excellent findings of reliability, validity, and/or responsiveness.


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