Before buying an electric powered wheelchair, consult your physical therapist or doctor to make sure any questions you have are fully answered. You cannot simply return a new wheelchair if it doesn’t match your requirements, therefore you need to shop around and compare prices.

Medicare and Insurance providers will not replace wheelchairs for several years once you make a purchase unless there is a change in your physical condition.

Are Your Mobility Needs Satisfied By A Power Wheelchair?

A power wheelchair might not be the best option for your mobility needs, consult with your doctor. If you are able to push yourself in a manual wheelchair, you might not get a power wheelchair from Medicare or your insurance provider. If you need to access areas that are difficult for manual wheelchair to manueuver, then a power wheelchair might be a better option. Power wheelchairs are capable of clearing thresholds as high as 3 inches.

If you can walk using a cane in your home, you probably won’t qualify for a power wheelchair. Power scooters are less expensive and can provide mobility outdoors. Their bulky frames give them a wide turning radius that is difficult to maneuver in tight spaces. Heavy duty scooters can carry weights as high as 500 lbs.

If your physical condition makes it difficult to push a manual wheelchair or get in or out of a power wheelchair, then a power wheelchair will be your best option. If your mobility problem is permanent or caused by a disease that will worsen in the future, then you will also need a power wheelchair.

What Is The Best Power Wheelchair For Your Needs?

There are two kinds of motorized wheelchairs, the motorized form of a regular wheelchair also known as a power wheelchair and those wheelchairs with a power-base which is attached to the wheelchair. If you are more comfortable with a manual wheelchair but need an electric powered motor, a power wheelchair has a similar design.

The power-base wheelchair is more advanced in terms of mechanisms but is not as portable as the light-weight power wheelchair.

Power-base wheelchairs provide strength and adaptability. The seat is connected to a strong wheel base and you are able to take apart the machine and put in a new seat should your physical condition worsen in the future.

Also available are heavy duty wheelchairs which can carry up to 675 lbs on the largest models. Power-base wheelchairs are heavy and require a lifting machine to get them into your vehicle.

Your physical therapist or doctor can help you select the electric wheelchair that best suits your needs.


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