
Interview with a disability sex assistant

Sex assistants or surrogate partners are usually professionals, male and female, who help people with physical-motor disabilitiies, as well as…

12 years ago

Students invent awesome child wheelchair

UAB students invent a wheelchair that helps disabled children get moving By Marie Sutton When Jennifer Sheppard learned that University of…

12 years ago

15 ways to adjust a home for someone with a disability

There are many different types of disabilities, therefore, when making changes to adjust a home for someone with a disability , you…

12 years ago

Wheelchair with a Flamethrower: Engineer builds dream concept chair

Dubbed the the Lord Humongous, Lance, 52, spent $1,000 (£645) and a month building the customized wheelchair with a flamethrower…

12 years ago

Karman Recommends Challenging you in a Wheelchair Racing Game!

Play the wheelchair racing game that started it all. You can have fun playing the wheelchair rush game where you…

12 years ago

Judge orders Abercrombie & Fitch or Hollister Co. to make stores wheelchair accessible

A federal judge’s decision on Friday means that Abercrombie & Fitch will have to modify its Hollister Co. stores to…

12 years ago

man in wheelchair stops robbery

Larry Skopnik may be a paraplegic, but he did not let that keep him from stopping a robbery. A thief…

12 years ago

Learning Disabilities – Health Matters

How many people in the UK have a learning disability? It's estimated to be approximately 1.5 million.  The percentage is…

12 years ago

Top 20 U.S. Cities for Wheelchair Users

Original Article Page By Sara Vigneri - Christopher Reeve FoundationEvery American deserves access to our country's cities-it's the law. But…

12 years ago

Multiple Sclerosis Guide

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that attacks the central nervous system. 250,000 to 350,000 people have been diagnosed with this…

12 years ago

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