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Tag Archives: wheelchair news

Travel in the most Wheelchair Friendly Cities

wheelchair friendly cities

What are the world’s most wheelchair friendly cities? When it comes to wheelchair-friendly travel, not all places have the same accessibility and environment. Certain cities around the globe have made commendable strides towards. Thus becoming accessible and have earned the gratitude of tourist wheelchair users. If you want to skip to our favorite, the video […]

Best Gift Ideas For Wheelchair Users

Watch the below video for the top 50 best gift ideas for wheelchair users. Consider yourself lucky if you are very close to the gift receiver. Therefore, buying gifts can be a tedious task in case you are not so close. Whereas in the case of buying gifts for a person in a wheelchair, it […]

Customize Your Wheelchair to Benefit You

What can you do to customize your wheelchair? Is it a heavy modification or just to bring out your nature? Make a statement. Straight from facilitating you move around your home to wandering around your town if you are not able to move on your own, the wheelchair is something that you can take along […]

Great Outdoor and Indoor Activities for Wheelchair Users!


What kind of activities for wheelchair users are there? Well it definitely goes beyond just exercises. For wheelchair users, adjusting to life in the wheelchair can be very difficult. Many users face depression and anxiety, having thoughts that life, as they know, is now over.  If you are finding it difficult to adjust to your […]

Global Disability Context and Wheelchair Mobility

Introduction Over a billion people in the world today are estimated to live with some form of disability, which corresponds to about 15% of the world’s population or one in seven people. Between 110 million (2.2%) and 190 million (3.8%) people 15 years and older have significant difficulties in functioning, while some 93 million children, […]

Play with us however you roll: combat wheelchair rules for D&D 5e – PAXsims

You may have noticed that when disability shows up in the media, it’s: Short hand for evil: Bond villains, anyone? Limps, scars, prosthetics, mental illness. The media uses disability to other the bad guy. Not cool. Inspiration porn: the disabled character isn’t a person so much as their tragical experiences are the plot mechanic to spur able-bodied […]

History And Evolution Of Wheelchairs

Let’s take a closer look at that contributions have caused the most notable evolution of wheelchairs? Wheelchairs not only improve the quality of life of their users but also promote their mobility. It enables them to engage in social activities and improve their physical health. What has transpired in the evolution of wheelchairs? Read more […]

Max your life while being in a wheelchair

Do you want to get the most out of your life while being in a wheelchair? Some would say what is the disadvantages for being in a wheelchair? But if you look at the glass 1/2 full, we find ourselves looking at it from a positive scope. How do we get the most in a […]

This is how we can support handicapped people

photo of pwd sign

How can we support handicapped people? Is it important to have the handicapped support to increase and advance as we are? It is not a secret that many people in the world do not feel comfortable around people that have disabilities. Even though 1 in 5 people have some kind of disability. It most certainly […]