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Tag Archives: travel

Get the Most out of Wheelchair Manufacturer Websites

wheelchair manufacturer

Mark Smith browses his favorite manufacturer sites. From interactive features to Facebook pages to YouTube channels, this past year has delivered wheelchair manufacturer websites with more consumer resources than ever. Many of these sites offer a consumer-controlled multimedia experience, where from your computer, smart phone or tablet, you can access an astounding array of comparison […]

Majority of NYC taxis to be wheelchair accessible by 2020


Half of the city’s taxis will be wheelchair accessible by 2020 because of a settlement agreement reached on Friday in a federal class action lawsuit, officials said. When fleets purchase new cabs, which have a lifespan of three to five years, they will be required to replace at least half with wheelchair accessible cabs. The […]

Criminals Steal Trailer Packed with Wheelchairs

criminals steal trailer full wheelchairs

An organization that specializes in providing people with disabilities with opportunities to get involved in sports said that a trailer full of wheelchairs used to play basketball was stolen sometime over the weekend. Jayden Barrett, a director of SportAbility of Iowa, said there were about a dozen wheelchairs, all purchased through fundraising, inside the small […]

10 Things to Never Say to a Person in a Wheelchair

things to never say to wheelchair user

Spend a week or a decade in a wheelchair, chances are you’ll be asked some pretty crazy things. And I get why–people are uncomfortable around things that are different, especially wheelchairs. (Even more so if they don’t know anyone who uses a wheelchair on a personal level). Thoughtless ridiculous things tend to be said, and […]

WestJet Santa Asks Passengers What They Want For Christmas, Gifts Upon Arrival

west jet christmas surprise

Usually if someone asks me what I want before a flight the answer is going to be something like, “The gift of no one kicking my seat back repeatedly during the flight” or “A free drink to get me through turbulence.” But a WestJet Santa Claus took it a few jolly steps further. Passengers on […]

Doctor Paralyzed From The Waist Performs Surgeries Thanks To Standing Wheelchair

standing wheelchair allows doctor surgery

A successful Missouri surgeon has beaten unbelievable odds by returning to the OR after suffering sudden paralysis from the waist down. Dr. Ted Rummel lost his ability to walk or stand when a blood-filled cyst on his spine burst in 2010. A year of intense rehabilitation later, he was back in the game. Rummel even […]

Control your Wheelchair with Tongue Piercing

wheelchair control tonque piercing

In many places, tongue piercings are the very emblem of the edgy and the hip who hang out at the local tattoo parlor. Soon they might be more than a fashion statement: they’ll give mobility to people confined by paralysis to wheelchairs. A team at the Georgia Institute of Technology led by Jeonghee Kim and […]

How To Adapt Your Workplace For Employees Who Use Wheelchairs

Accessible Workplace wheelchairs

  Ofte Disclaimer: You must be aware that this post applies to a certain type of people (depending on their conditions). Some employees who use wheelchairs may not require accommodations to their space to perform their work-related duties. Others may only require a small number of these accommodations in order to perform their job. These […]

Pope Francis Welcomes Hundreds With Disabilities

pope francis wheelchairs

Pope Francis has greeted hundreds of people in wheelchairs one-by-one. This is part of a special gathering in which rows of seats were removed from a Vatican auditorium to make room for the disabled visitors. The pontiff has made championing the downtrodden a key plank of his papacy. He has lamented that society tends to […]

Wheelchairs sent to Philippines After Typhoon Disaster

philippines disaster

FOR the millions suffering in the Philippines, any help is a great help. But a Backwell charity is lending a hand in a very specific way – by sending 250 wheelchairs to the devastated country. Earlier this month Typhoon Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Yolanda, battered the islands with winds of up to […]