
Wheelchair Wedding: How to Make your Wedding Accessible

Planning a wheelchair accessible wedding You're in love and planning a wedding. You're just like so many other couples. So…

12 years ago

What do I do with my used wheelchair when I no longer need it?

CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION: (626) 581-2235 If you are looking for a smart and easy way to get rid…

12 years ago

Los Angeles Volunteer Group Sponsors Yearly “Wheelchair Wash” event

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast week in the East Los Angeles Civic Center there was some positive vibes rolling out, the reason for the…

12 years ago

Pediatric Disability Addressed: Hamden playground for kids with disabilities

Children with a disability or in wheelchairs should have a chance to enjoy outdoor activities just like any other kid…

12 years ago

Wheelchair-bound man from Florida reels in 250 pound lemon shark

A young, wheelchair-bound man in a manual wheelchair recently made news for his amazing catch of a 250 pound lemon…

12 years ago

Disabled – How to Choose the Right Wheelchair

CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION: (626) 581-2235 People spend a great deal of time searching for the perfect wheelchair. Typically, …

12 years ago

A Guide To The Paralympics Games

The Paralympic Games are games played in the style of the Olympic Games, but are for athletes with physical and…

12 years ago

A Guide to College for Students with Disabilities

Over the past half century, the help available to students with special needs has made tremendous strides. Today, the government has…

12 years ago

Cerebral Palsy Information

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions caused by medical abnormalities in the development of a fetus or the early…

12 years ago

Resources for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Legal Links Special Ed Advocate: A wealth of information on special education advocacy. COPAA: Council of Parents and Attorneys. Disability…

12 years ago

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