Wheelchairs are durable medical devices, which are mostly controlled by moving back and forth and using the hands to turn the wheels. There are electric models where are driven by motors. Note that neither of them is driven by the feet because the lack of use of the feet is why they are in the wheelchair in the first place.The pedal-style or leg-propelled wheelchairs were recently developed and are showing great improvements in the user’s feet and legs after using this type of chair..
There are two larger wheels on a pedal-style wheelchair that are connected to mechanical chain that drives the wheelchair, which also has a steering system that is controlled via a directional wheel. These 3 wheel pedal-styled wheelchairs are designed to easily and safely do small turns, which make them great for turning in tight spaces in the house or in places where space is limited.For those who have paralysis on one side, the healthy and the hemiplegic lower limbs can work together to move the pedal-style wheelchair. The pedal-style wheelchair is able to go at walking speed.They are perfect for people who have paralysis on one side and who have slight to extreme mobility issues as long as they are not uncomfortable or experience lots of pain.
Improving Blood Circulation with a Pedal Wheelchair
People with severe hemiplegia won’t be able to avoid sitting for long periods and secondary impairments can occur when the affected leg is not being used. For those suffering from walking difficulties or disabilities, a pedal wheelchair could activate the paretic muscle by self-locomotion with pedaling bilaterally. This will improve the palsy and strength in the legs.
Improving your Current Condition
People with severe hemiplegia or those who have disabilities in their lower extremities as a result of Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, spinalinjury, stroke etc. who used pedal wheelchairs, a study reported an initiated increase of paralytic muscle tissue movement.The pedal wheelchairs can be used for practical movements as well as for therapeutic exercise for hemiplegic sufferers who are non-ambulatory. The daily use of a pedal wheelchair can help to restore paretic leg activity.
Stimulate your Brain
Non-Ambulatory elderly people who use pedal wheelchairs for self-locomotion become more psychologically active.Even though the lasting impacts of operating pedal wheelchairs are unclear particularly with respect to the practical and physical change, that have not managed to give details in medical studies.Neuromodulation is the recent medical technological innovation that doesn’t depend on any kind of surgical procedure or drugs. It uses the body for treatment.
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