Nutritional Considerations when you are in a Wheelchair

If you are currently using a wheelchair, it is important to research and factor in what you diet should be from that point forward.

There is a higher risk for health issues when seated in a wheelchair over a long period of time. Wheelchair users are prone to many different health problems that could prevent the user from living an independent lifestyle.

Health Problems can be Curbed

Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes are all tied to wheelchair users more commonly than the average adult. This means that if you are currently using a wheelchair on a daily basis, you should take a great deal of care of your body in order to be able to avoid long-term health problems.

Preventing long-term health issues starts with a good dietary plan. Making sure that you monitor what you are putting in your body will help prevent any illnesses that may occur while you are in a chair.

The following is information in regards to great nutritional foods that will help promote a steady healthy diet for you:

Antioxidants – Includes Vitamin C, mainly focused on promoting collagen reproduction, to help your body repair skin and tissue.

Protein – You protein intake should optimal in order to help your wounds heal faster. Your body can heal wounds a lot faster if you provide it with enough protein, this especially important when you are transitioning into full time wheelchair use.

Fiber – Fiber quantity for wheelchair users will be different than usual. This is because when wheelchair users consume fiber, their body processes it a lot slower.

Burning Up Calories Seated in a Wheelchair

Even though you will suffer from constant inactivity in a wheelchair, you may find yourself burning up more calories in order to get around while in the chair. This may lead to obesity or weight problems down the road.

Your daily level of activity should dictate what your calorie intake will be. Once you are able to get a into the habit of controlling your intake, you will find yourself in a healthy state and you will avoid the most common wheelchair issues for users.


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