Minimizing Your Need for Wheelchair Repairs

One of the biggest concerns that wheelchair users have is the possibility of their wheelchairs breaking down when they are out and about but no one is nearby to help them. If you have a manual wheelchair, flat tires could be a concern.

Those who have motorized wheelchairs also think about flat tires but they also have to think about batteries dying. Many of these concerns could be eliminated by taking some precautions ahead of time.

In the Event Something Breaks

Do you think the idea of a disabled person doing and instant wheelchair repair job is highly unlikely? Well there are a few safety measures that wheelchair users can put into action to help themselves if their wheelchair happens to breakdown if they are alone.

A cell phone can come in very handy should you need help if your wheelchair breaks down. It will guarantee that help will reach you fairly quickly.

Simple Safety Measures

With a cell phone a wheelchair repair service, friend or family member is just a phone call away. There are additional safety precautions you can put into action like carrying a spare battery for your motorized chair, which you can keep in a backpack.

If you happen to be partially mobile, keeping a cane or a pair of crutches handy will come in useful in an emergency. Always keep the phone numbers of your doctor and insurance company handy. You should check to see if you are covered for cost of repairs.

Heeding Off Trouble

You should perform an occasional wheelchair “diagnostic to identify any potential problems: Get your wheelchair repair center to perform one every 6 months. This is one way of keeping trouble at bay so that you won’t have to be left alone after a breakdown.

It will keep your wheelchair in good working condition, since the failure of one part can easily turn into a domino effect and before you know it your wheelchair needs major repairs.

Keeping a Positive Attitude

Even in the best situations, being disabled is not fun and it can often leave you feeling helpless and frustrated. But you do still have control and there are things you can do to make the situation better, such as planning and being prepared. That way you can coolly handle almost anything that come up.

You don’t have to let your disability disable you; instead you can choose to be proactive in everything you do. When you are prepared for the unexpected, you will have a peace of mind and you can simply go about living life to the fullest.


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