Medicare and How It Will Get You an Electric Wheelchair

Does your love one have difficulty moving around their manual wheelchair? If this is the case, consider getting them an electric wheelchair or power wheelchair.

I know you are thinking about the high price but you should be aware that Medicare will cover as much as 80% of the cost of an electric wheelchair. When you combine this with your own minor insurance you can get a new electric wheelchair for a very low price or even free in some cases.


Here are the criteria you MUST meet in order to get Medicare to pay for any portion of your electric wheelchair:

• The person’s condition must make the use of an electric wheelchair an absolute must for their mobility.

• The person is not able to move a manual wheelchair making an electric wheelchair mandatory.

• The person can still safely and carefully use the controls of the electric wheelchair.

• They have to know how to safely move into and out of the electric wheelchair. They must have good transferability.

• The individual must have an adequate trunk immovability to safely and securely ride in the electric wheelchair.

• They have not received reimbursement in the past 5 years for a scooter or wheelchair they bought in that period.

• Medicare has to be the primary insurance carrier for their initial claim.

How to Bill for Insurance

Once each one of these requirements are satisfied, subsequently, the individual requesting help from Medicare must supply description or specification of the operational restrictions and constraints regarding the patient, which the aid the medical needs of the POV or the patient evaluation entailing the POV. This kind of details needs to be prepared on documentations such as letterhead, which categorize the specialization of the directing doctor.

The wheelchair suggestion wherein the payment is requested should also be ordered by a neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, rheumatologist or rehabilitation medical specialist.
Medicare will cover up to 80% of allowable charges however reimbursements cost vary from state to state. A hundred dollars is credited annually from Medicare’s Part B. The entire Medicare terms are completed within 30 days.

Get a Free Wheelchair

Medicare will help you get a power or electric wheelchair free of charge and will also pay for the 10 month leasing payments for the wheelchair that you decide to buy outright. Then, they provide you the choice too lease or buy. The specific terms given by Medicare to purchase or lease an electric wheelchair are similar as that of hand-operated wheelchairs.

If you favored the buy choice at the beginning, then Medicare will take care of the 80% in a complete single payment. In addition, should you buy the electric wheelchair, Medicare will pay for 80 % of the maintenance cost on an ongoing basis.

Medicare could be a tremendous help to buy or lease an electric wheelchair. Look into this option before spending a huge amount of money on a new electric wheelchair.

Please check out the link below for more information:

Medicaid / Medicare / Insurance


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