If you weigh less than 250 lbs, you have a selection of wheelchairs to choose from ranging from the lightest to the heaviest kinds. Wheelchairs that weigh over 36 pounds are considered standard.
Lightweight wheelchairs are in the 34 to 36 pound range; high strength lightweight from 30 to 34 pounds and under 30 pounds are the ultra-lightweight wheelchairs.
The standard wheelchair is the cheapest, but they are the most difficult to transport and propel. They are also not adjustable with the foot, arm and back rests all being fixed. The materials used are usually of an inferior quality. This kind of wheelchair is not recommended for daily use.
The Lighter, the Better
A lightweight wheelchair has more maneuverability and is easier to use. They are perfect for people who are unable to propel a standard wheelchair. It is a bit more expensive than standard wheelchairs because more expensive materials are used. The back, foot and arm rests are often adjustable and it also has other customizations.
The high strength lightweight wheelchair are great for people who often perform activities that can’t be done with standard or lightweight wheelchairs. They also come in sizes not available in standard or lightweight wheelchairs. This wheelchair is very durable and provides more in terms of adjustability and maneuverability.
The Most Ideal Type of Wheelchair Available
The ultra-lightweight wheelchair is the lightest and easiest to control and propel and is the most popular ones for those who spend extended times in their wheelchair. It is also very durable and highly customizable, but it is also the most expensive of the group.
The wheelchair cost is inversely proportional to its weight, that is the lightest ones are more expensive than the heavier ones. The functionality also increases with price. Standard wheelchairs are only recommended for very occasional use and where there isn’t any customization required.
The User’s Needs are Always a Priority
You will need to carefully think about the needs of the user and the features when buying an expensive lightweight wheelchair. A lightweight wheelchair isn’t required if the user can propel a standard wheelchair while not sacrificing mobility, convenience comfort and functionality. But those who can’t propel a standard wheelchair will have to look at the lighter weight options.
For users who need a wheelchair for long periods, a high strength lightweight or ultra-lightweight wheelchair is the best option. Choosing between these two will depend on the activities of the user and their physique.
A user that is stronger, heavier or more active should go for the high strength chair while lighter users who are less active and not physically strong would be more suitable for the ultra-lightweight chair.
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is wonderful to hear how the chair has impacted your lives in such positive ways. Your mother sounds like an amazing person. Our team here wishes you and your mother the brightest of days ahead!