How to help someone in a wheelchair for Christmas

December is one of the busiest months of the year. It becomes a stressful situation if you have to do it all on your own. Imagine being in a wheelchair and having to do all of the Christmas preparation by yourself.

This would only be fair if you have a wheelchair accessible kitchen, if not then it would be difficult to do it all on your own. You would want to help that person out if you could, and there are plenty of things that you can help with during the holidays.

Prepare the Food

You are probably used to someone in your family cooking and preparing the food for Christmas and other related holidays, but you can make things easier for them by giving them a hand. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the main dish of the evening; you can help by making a salad, or making some type of dessert.

If you aren’t the cooking type then you can buy a ready to go dish from a supermarket or pastry store.

Organize the Party

You can try helping your family on holidays by being the one who organizes the evening. You can be the one who calls relatives to let them know what time to be at your house.

You can let them know what they can bring to add to the table. You can maybe help by picking up your relatives that don’t have a mode of transportation; this will ease their stress of finding a ride for the holidays.

Help Decorate

If you want to help out one of your relatives during the holidays, you can install the decorations. You can help set up the Christmas tree, install the inside and outside lights, hang the wreath on the door, and maybe set up the train around the tree.

Give a Gift that Helps their Ability

This is a bit more useful for the holidays because if you are able to provide someone with a present that helps them have more mobility, then you are setting them up for the long term. You can purchase a manual wheelchair that is a comparable upgrade over their current chair. You can also look into buying a mobility scooter or power wheelchair to allow them to have more mobility on a daily basis.

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