How and Where to Buy Wheelchair Parts

Wheelchairs come in very useful for those with limited or no mobility. It gives them independence both indoors and outdoors and they don’t have to rely on other to move about.

The two basic designs for wheelchairs are manual and motorized (powered). The wheelchair choice will depend on the physical disabilities of the user. The difference between a manual and a motorized or power wheelchair is where the propulsion comes from.

As the name suggests, a manual wheelchair is driven by the user or by someone pushing the user, while the motorized wheelchair is powered by batteries. If the wheelchair is manual or motorized, at some point it will need to have some of its parts repaired. Wheelchair parts are easier to find than you think. A quick Google search will take you to hundreds of sites that offer wheelchair parts for purchase.

The wheelchair parts that need replacing the most often are tires, belts, batteries and chargers, motors, gear boxes, hand rims wheel bearings, foot and arm rests and joystick controls.

Wheelchair Accessories

There is no question that wheelchair parts will need to be replaced eventually; the user can also take the opportunity to buy accessories that will increase their comfort and convenience. These accessories can be very useful in performing daily tasks such as showering.

Other wheelchair accessories that might come in handy for the user include seat cushions, laptop mount, shower seats, portable wheelchair ramp or wheelchair lock.

Where To Buy Wheelchair Parts

Both wheelchair parts and accessories can be conveniently purchased online, but users should take care to only order from secure and trustworthy sites. Make sure any page where you have to input credit card info begins with “https:” or look for a Verizon security seal to make sure the site is safe.

The best part about buying wheelchair parts and accessories online is that discount prices are always available. With just a simple click, you can compare prices to find the best deals and you will also get a feel for the various customer service policies. Always check the warranty of the online store wheelchair parts before ordering. You will know what your options are in case the part is defective or broken in transit.

Many online wheelchair stores offer great service by helping you select the correct part for your model of wheelchair. If you have further questions, your answers are just an e-mail or phone call away.


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