A standing wheelchair supports the user in almost any standing position. They are a combination of a regular wheelchair and a standing frame, which lets the user stand or sit in the wheelchair as required. The transform from sitting to standing with he help of a hydraulic pump or buy the use of an electric motor.
There are many kinds of folding power wheelchairs on the market. Popular manufactures include Drive, Invacare and Sunrise Medical. They are also a great source for advice and reduced prices.
The steel frame of a standing wheelchair weighs up to 13 pounds. They have padded armrests that can be turned down to be level with the seat. All the other upholstery is also padded on the standing wheelchair. Most have frames that can be folded for easier transport. They even come in lightweight rigid frames.
The innovative design provides a wheelchair that fold as it stands upright while giving you the support required by holding you close to the wheelchair.
The maker of this wheelchair is The Standing Company. Be sure to call them or check out their website to get all the answers you need before buying a standing wheelchair.
Visual perceptions along with posture and coordination are additional factors that might help you in your final decision. You should also take into account where you are going to be using the standing wheelchair and your living conditions at home.
Users can easily be transferred from a sitting position into a horizontal position or vice versa. The user is seated in a stroller or chair which can be taken out and folded or be specifically altered for portability. The various movements of the chair are operated electrically.
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