Consider the Shower Chair for Mobility Issues

There are a large variety of shower chairs available today that are designed to help a person with mobility issues take showers. They come in all shapes and sizes, which means there is one out there that is perfectly suited for your needs.

Shower chairs range from cheap plastic resin material to more permanent set ups such as marble or granite. The most basic shower chair has no special features; it is basically a waterproof chair. From there, you can get height adjustable legs to match your specific height, you can also get armrests to keep your arms in place, and you can also get one that has wheels for proper mobility.

For most people, remodeling a shower or bathroom to accommodate a permanent shower chair structure is too expensive. The alternative is to buy a portable shower chair that can be installed onto a shower floor. It can be easily removed when it is not being used and disassemble it to store it for a later use.



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