Class 2 Powered Wheelchairs

Class 2 powered wheelchairs are mostly used on short to medium length treks. While some can be used indoors, they were designed to be used on pavements.

Their maximum speed is 4 mph and although you don’t need a license to drive one, you still have to conform to the class 2 wheelchair regulations as outlined in the Highway Code.


Always make sure your wheelchair has good tires as you will be driving on a number of surfaces and going up and down kerbs, where you will need good grip the most. Tires come in a variety of sizes, from small to medium to large.

Usually larger tyres provide more grip on the roads, while wheelchairs are more maneuverable with small tires. You can choose from front or rear wheel drive depending on where you will be using it most, as the drive will affect the chair’s stability and maneuverability.

Batteries and power

Batteries and power packs provide the power necessary to propel your power chair. Some wheelchairs require 2 batteries, so always carry a spare set of batteries when you are scooting around in case you need a fresh set. The types of batteries will vary from one wheelchair model to the next and so will the time needed to charge them.

The amount of time the battery will hold its charge will also vary quite a bit from one chair to another. Always plan out your trip so you know how far you can go and get back safely on a battery charge. If in doubt always take a spare set of batteries or even a charger.


Legally you don’t need to have insurance but it isn’t a bad idea to get some public liability insurance to protect yourself.

Customize it!

You can spice up your chair with accessories like bespoke wheels, cushions, drink trays, shopping bags, warm fleecy cosy, rain cape or umbrella for unexpected downpours. You can ask your local dealer about the various accessories available for your specific wheelchair. Do your homework on the various wheelchairs available and the internet is a great place to gather info.

Your local dealer will also have a variety of wheelchairs for you to try out and they will be happy to answer your questions. Always take your wheelchair for a spin before you buy it. Try it out on different terrains and make sure you feel comfortable and secure in it.


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