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Category Archives: Lightweight Wheelchairs

The Game of Quad Rugby

quad rugby

Quad rugby is a sport for people and athletes who have upper body disabilities. The event typically takes place on a basketball court in which the players are in wheelchairs. Originally known as “murder ball,” quad rugby has changed into a popular Paralympic sport practiced in over twenty countries. Established in 1993, the sport of […]

State Accessibility Laws

disability ramp accessibility

By law, people with disabilities are ensured equal opportunities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, telecommunications, commercial facilities, and state and local government. Along with the Americans with Disabilities Act, each state has their own laws regarding disability rights. The following resources will help you […]

People First Language: I Am Not My Wheelchair


Consider the sentence: “Christopher Reeve was a wheelchair-bound actor.” To those familiar with his career before he suffered the accident which lead to his paralysis, this would be a gross misrepresentation of a popular and beloved figure. Why then, is it acceptable to characterize others in similar ways – even if they have lived with […]

Disability Etiquette: Beyond Wheelchairs

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People who live with disabilities often face fear, discomfort, and hostility at a rate that far exceeds that encountered by those who do have no disability. The vast majority of such treatment is rooted in a basic lack of understanding about the challenges that come with having a disability, and the experience of sharing the […]

Down Syndrome (in Children and Adults) Resources Online

down syndrome boy

Down syndrome (also known as Down’s syndrome in the United Kingdom and often referred to as “DS” among families of those with Down syndrome) is the most prevalent genetic cause of learning or intellectual disabilities. One in every 800 babies is diagnosed with Down syndrome. Down syndrome is an abnormality of chromosome 21 that results […]

A Comprehensive Stroke Resource Guide

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Stroke is a physiological disorder that arises as a result of insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. Narrowing or hardening of the arteries impairs blood circulation in the arteries of the brain. This causes the supply of oxygen to the brain to be cut off. In serious conditions, the arteries may rupture causing internal […]

Autism: On The Spectrum


Autism In Our Culture Autism is defined as a neural developmental disorder that is most often characterized by communication difficulties and impaired interaction with others. Symptoms may include, avoiding eye contact and a lack of perceivable empathy. Many people with autism display repetitive behaviors, such as rocking and hand flapping. Some behaviors may be self […]

Wisdom From A Wheelchair: FDR Resource Guide

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Despite his numerous health issues, including waist-down paralysis, people see Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) as the greatest President in American history. Believing that his health issues would make him appear weak to outsiders and worry the American public, FDR rarely would allow photographers to feature him in his wheelchair, and he went to great lengths […]

Wheelchair Resources – The Disabled Travel Guide


Travelers around the world face a number of challenges that guides assist with. The enormous number of guides out there goes to show just how many decisions there are to be made when travelling. Some guides explore different modes of transportation, hotel locations, length of stay. Others touch on locations and sightseeing options. These are just […]

What’s the Best Thing to Do About Bullies?


Bullying affects everyone involved, and no one comes out the winner. Even the bully is a victim. Anyone can be a bully and may not even realize it. Bullying can be physical or mental and can occur over the Internet when the bully and the victim are not even in the same place. By creating […]