Transportation and the Accessibility

7 years ago

Accessible Modern Transportation We are in a modern age where everything can be so easily accessible, which also includes getting…

The Event Everyone With a Disability Should Attend

7 years ago

The Abilities Expo The Abilities Expo showcases many different activities that range from adaptive sports to educational material. They also…

Being Social in a Wheelchair

7 years ago

The Importance of Being Social for Wheelchair Users   Friends You do not need to be social with strangers if…

What to Learn When You’re in a Wheelchair

7 years ago

Learn and turn it into a hobby   Being wheelchair bound is not always a bad thing. It gives you…

Christmas for the Wheelchair User

7 years ago

Wheelchairs for Christmas Everyone wants to be creative at some point in their life. Wheelchair users can thrive in being…

Hunting can be for the Wheelchair User

7 years ago

Do Hunting and Wheelchairs mix? If you have ever wondered if the sport of hunting and using a wheelchair mix prepare…

Free Places to Visit in Orange County

7 years ago

Places Within Orange County  If you are in the orange county or you are just visiting the county then there…

Boredom When You’re In a Wheelchair

7 years ago

6 Different Ways To Avoid Boredom We all get boredom from time to time but for our wheelchair users, it…

Disabled Sports and the Impact

7 years ago

Disabled Sports USA   The Backstory People with a disability sometimes tend to have lower confidence disabled Sports  helps improve the…

Popularity Among the Hardworking Disabled

7 years ago

Three Famous People That Are Wheelchair Users and obtained popularity   Jean Driscoll Jean Driscoll was born with spina bifida in which…

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