Positive Thinking Through a Wheelchair

7 years ago

Positive Vibes is What You Need to Keep We understand that being confined to a wheelchair most of the day…

Activities for Wheelchair Bound Kids

7 years ago

Activities for a Kid to do in a Wheelchair Kids get bored faster than adults especially when they are in…

Fishing with the Help of a Wheelchair

7 years ago

Fishing is for Everyone Fishing can be for everyone and it includes people with disabilities because how adaptive the sport…

Building Your Own Movie Collection

7 years ago

Building a Movie Collection Watching movies is almost everyone’s hobby and collecting the movies can be a whole new ball…

Art is Wheelchair Friendly

7 years ago

Art and How You can get Involved There are many ways someone can appreciate art and it’s different forms. If…

Driving the Future of Disability Vehicles

7 years ago

Driving in a wheelchair For wheelchair users driving a car can sometimes be a dream. Relying on help can be…

Racing Down the Lane in a Wheelchair

7 years ago

Racing in a Wheelchair Wheelchair racing is not the type of racing you are probably thinking of. It does not…

Stephen Hawking through a wheelchair

7 years ago

      Stephen Hawking and a Wheelchair If you do not know who Stephen Hawking is just by the name then his…

YouTube Helps Wheelchair Users

7 years ago

YouTube and the Wheelchair Usability If you know what the website YouTube is then you know the power it holds…

Backyard Astronomy for Wheelchair Users

7 years ago

Backyard Astronomy It can be more than just looking at the stars when you gaze up. There is modern equipment…

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