Addressing Depression When you Have Spinal Cord Injury

All of us get sad at some point in our lives. This is quite a normal part of life. But sometimes people experience more than sadness at certain times in their lives. Depression is a distressing affliction that thousands of Americans suffer from and it affects every part of your daily life.

Symptoms of depression include problems sleeping, hopeless feelings, lack of interest, decreased activities, reduced appetite, constant fatigue and suicidal thoughts.

Vulnerable to Depression

People who have suffered a spinal cord injury tend to be more prone to depression compared to the overall adult population. As indicated by one study, at least 1 in 10 Americans have gone through a minimum of one episode of depression.

The rate of depression for those who have spinal cord injuries range from 11% to over 35%.

This is understandable in the situation; however overcoming depression is very possible even if you have a spinal cord injury. You can go on to have a full, active and happy life.

Seek Professional Help

If you feel you have depression symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a qualified counselor. They might recommend you begin taking some kind of antidepressant to help increase the brain’s serotonin levels which will help you become more motivated and optimistic.

Any kind of drug therapy should also include counseling, which will give you some perspective on your particular disability and help you to see how your past has shaped your current outlook. Once you have some clarity it will be easier to make changes that are positive.

Sleeping, Eating, and Lifestyle Habits that could be Making it Worse

In the mean time you should try to identify lifestyle habits that might be making your depression worse. Stay away from alcohol and make sure you get a full night’s sleep. Eat a nutritious diet, see a nutritionist if you don’t know where to start.

Getting exercise and spending time doing things you love with people you love will help you to feel good. Try new things or get a hobby you really love to do.

Your medical equipment will also play an important role in your overall happiness. Be sure you have the correct equipment and it is properly maintained.


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